3 Apr 2012

Multiple RPD on single BI Server

Now let’s assume that the two RPD i.e deba.rpd & test.rpd and their respective two catalogs both working properly while loaded individually and working independently .
Configuring the NQSCONFIG:
Lets configure the NQSCONFIG.ini file as below :
RPD1  =       deba.rpd , DEFAULT;
RPD2    =     test.rpd ;
Configuring the DSN:
Create 2 Oracle BI Server System DSN i.e
DSN1 to point to default repository deba.rpd, and
DSN2 to point to test.rpd.
Since we are configuring two RPD in parallel to single BI server instance hence  for both DSN we point to server Local with default Port 9703 . The 9703 port is ODBC communication port between BI Server and Presentation Services .
 N.B : whatever repository will be put under change Default repository section will be override by the DEFAULT settings in NQSCONFIG.ini . You can tick “Connect to Oracle BI Server to obtain default settings” ,so that RPD connection will be established as per the definition in .ini file after BI server restart .
Configuring the Catalog and instanceconfig.xml:
For both deba.rpd and test.rpd we have catalog file under ../$OracleBIDataHome/web/catalog/” as “deba” and “test” having different sets of reports in each of them to distinguish properly. So let’s make catalog “deba” online after making the below changes in instanceconfig.xml .
Restart the services and log into catalog for “deba” and you can verify that the query running on deba.rpd and your dashboard display the reports relevant for catalog “deba” .
Edit the xml and make the similar type of change to point to DSN2 and catalog “test” .It should work as well pointing to repo “test” .